Modest Money Totals for SBOE Races So Far

New finance reports show that fundraising so far for Texas State Board of Education campaigns appears to be significantly higher than in many past elections. But fundraising totals in most races this year are still relatively small considering the size of the sprawling board districts in play. District 5 (Ken Mercer, incumbent), for example, begins in […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “Forcing soldiers to cohabit with people who view them as sexual objects would inevitably lead to increased sexual tension, sexual harassment, and even sexual assault.” — Tony Perkins, head of the far-right Family Research Council, criticizing a possible end to the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that bars gay and lesbian […]

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Something’s Rotten Here

In today’s Texas Tribune story about the State Board of Education‘s management of the Permanent School Fund (PSF), much of the focus has been on this inane quote from board member David Bradley, R-Beaumont Buna: “If you sit on the mental health commission, do you have to be retarded? If you sit on the [Texas […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “If you sit on the mental health commission, do you have to be retarded? If you sit on the [Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission], do you have to be a drunk?” — Texas State Board of Education member David Bradley, R-Beaumont Buna, arguing that state board members don’t need to be finance […]

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Editorial Roundup: Ignorance and the SBOE

Especially over the last week, editorial boards at newspapers across Texas have been focusing on the corrosive politics, blind ignorance and rampant incompetence evident on the State Board of Education. Editorial writers are heaping criticism on state board members who are once again wrecking the work of educators and scholars in crafting new curriculum standards — this time for […]

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