Don McLeroy has some explaining to do. Texas Monthly’s Paul Burka reports this revealing quote from McLeroy, a Republican seeking re-election to the Texas State Board of Education, at a recent campaign debate: “One of the first real breaches of limited government was public education.” What in the world? Someone who has been on the […]
Recent Blogs
How the Far Right ‘Guides’ Voters with Lies
When it comes to lies at election time, many voters point at mistruths they hear from candidates. But voter guides put out by far-right pressure groups in Texas are hardly good examples of honesty themselves. Consider, for example, this question for Texas State Board of Education candidates from the current voter guide put out by Liberty Institute, […]
Kathy Miller: Politics and Social Studies
Various newspapers have run the following op-ed from Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller about the State Board of Education‘s January meeting on new social studies curriuclum standards for Texas public schools. We’re posting her 0p-ed here for TFN Insider readers. Rewriting History: Politics and Social Studies Standards During January’s State Board of Education debate […]
Talking Points
From today’s TFN News Clips: “My understanding — I’m not a theologian — but there’s a prophecy in the Bible that says you’ll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times. Some people think these computer chips might be that mark.” — Republican Mark L. Cole of the […]
Censoring the Presidential Jewels (sort of)
The New York Times Magazine cover story on Sunday focused on efforts by far-right members of the Texas State Board of Education to rewrite history in public school social studies textbooks. We found the magazine’s creative cover illustation to be especially ironic. The painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware is perhaps one of the […]