An Evening with Arianna Huffington

To kick off our milestone 15th anniversary, the Texas Freedom Network is bringing Arianna Huffington — one of the most influential women in the media — to Austin for a special event at 7 p.m. on Monday, May 3. The founder of the popular and influential online news site Huffington Post will share her analysis […]

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How the Right Is Rewriting History

A McClatchy Newspapers piece today notes that the Texas State Board of Education‘s appalling revision of social studies curriculum standards isn’t an isolated case of the political right rewriting history. Moreover, many of the “facts” in the right’s versions of historical events are just flat wrong. Money quote: The effort in Texas and nationwide is […]

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Barton and Beck, Together at Last

Chris Rodda (Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right’s Alternate Version of American History) has a piece up on Huffington Post about the growing ties between David Barton and wacky FOX News host Glenn Beck. Barton, whom far-right members of the Texas State Board of Education last year put on a key panel helping revise social […]

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UT Faculty Focus on Social Studies Standards

Faculty members at the state’s largest public university clearly are growing increasingly wary as they watch the State Board of Education vandalize and politicize social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools. Two upcoming events will highlight their concerns. The Texas IP Fellows will host a debate over the proposed social studies standards at 3 p.m. […]

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Lawmakers to Texas Ed Board: It’s Time to Talk

Today Texas lawmakers picked up a bigger megaphone to get the attention of a bitterly divided, out-of-control State Board of Education. At a Capitol press conference, members of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus (MALC) announced that they are scheduling a public hearing for April 28 to examine how and why the state board has run off the […]

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