Mind Meld at Liberty Institute?

Well, here’s a neat trick. Liberty Institute/Free Market Foundation, the Texas affiliate of the far-right organization Focus on the Family, has placed the same shrill 0p-ed attacking the “liberal left” in the San Antonio Express-News (yesterday) and the Houston Chronicle (today). But the op-ed, which focuses on the State Board of Education’s revision of social […]

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Don McLeroy and the First Bone

Just when you think you’ve seen it all… “Take bones,” he says, offering a brief description of the collagen and amino acids in bones as an example of biological complexity. “Intuitively people have a tough time thinking nothing guided this. Are we supposed to believe that all of a sudden, say on April 1, five […]

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Is the Religious Right Shilling for Big Oil?

As we often have said, the religious right is really a political movement that strategically uses religion and religious language to push a political agenda that often has little connection to the values of mainstream people of faith. Today we see another example of how the religious right nakedly shills for powerful economic interests. OneNewsNow, […]

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Debbie Riddle’s Immigration Issue

Immigration, clearly, has become one of the most divisive issues in American politics today. And while it’s not an issue the Texas Freedom Network typically monitors, we have begun noting the extremist statements that public officials make in that debate. Speaking on Houston’s KPFT-FM radio station last week, state Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, offered this […]

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A Board Divided by Faith or Contempt?

We have heard the Texas State Board of Education‘s far-right members claim over and over again that they are unfairly attacked for their fundamentalist religious views. They do so even as they seek to inject those narrow views into curriculum standards for our state’s public schools, whether it’s by promoting creationist arguments against evolution or objecting […]

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