Barton Finally Gets University Gig

Well, we can no longer accuse wannabe historian David Barton of never holding an actual teaching position at a university. He can now add “professor at Glenn Beck University” to his vita. A fake university and a fake historian — a match made in heaven. Barton’s latest collaboration with his new BFF Glenn Beck of […]

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Colbert Hearts Texas SBOE

Thought the late night comedians had moved on from ridiculing the Texas State Board of Education? Think again.  Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report once again took aim at his favorite punching bag last night in a segment called “I’s on Edjukashun.” Check it out. (Colbert’s riff on the SBOE starts just after the 2:00 […]

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Independence Day and Religious Freedom

We hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful Independence Day and recalling the freedoms on which our nation was founded and is still governed. So please take a few minutes to read the words that heralded the birth of our nation. We also thought it would be appropriate to note the words of two of our […]

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Texas Sex Ed: No Laughing Matter

This week the Huffington Post featured 14 posters from bygone days apparently aimed at deterring young folks from premarital sex. While the rather peculiar messaging on these old-time posters might provoke a brief smile, that approach to sex education is about as effective as the so-called abstinence-only programs used in most Texas public schools today […]

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Coming Soon to Texas Classrooms?

We continue to marvel at the nostalgia some — such as certain members of the Texas State Board of Education — seem to have for the Confederacy of the American Civil War. This is 2010, after all. Isn’t it about time to let go of the misguided notion of the  “Lost Cause”? This nostalgia, after all, is the […]

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