TFN Honors Activists at 15th Anniversary Gala

The Texas Freedom Network celebrates its 15th anniversary on Oct. 7 in Austin. We would love to see you at the celebration. Click here to purchase tickets or to help sponsor the event. We sent out the following press release: The Texas Freedom Network will honor two Texas activists for their extraordinary leadership on behalf […]

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TFN’s Miller on the Anti-Muslim Resolution

Here is Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller’s testimony on Friday as the State Board of Education debate a resolution attacking Islam. From TFN TV: [youtube=] […]

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Waving Money, Ignoring the Truth

During last week’s debate over a resolution attacking Islam, Texas State Board of Education member David Bradley, R-Beaumont Buna, once again insisted that the Constitution doesn’t protect separation of church and state. The speaker at the podium represents Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. From TFN TV: [youtube=] […]

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Exposing the Junk Science of ‘Intelligent Design’

UPDATE: SMU faculty members have written an open letter critical of the Discovery Institute presentation on their campus. Last week the Seattle-based Discovery Institute descended on the Southern Methodist University campus in Dallas for another of its junk-science forums attempting to debunk evolutionary science. The event, “Four Nails in Darwin’s Coffin,” included a film and […]

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Paranoia at the Texas Board of Education

This is the kind of anti-Muslim paranoia we heard on Friday, when the Texas State Board of Education passed a resolution attacking Islam, claiming textbooks have an anti-Christian/pro-Islamic bias and charging that wealthy Muslims want to buy publishing companies so they can control the minds of American schoolchildren. From TFN TV: [youtube=] […]

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