Behind the Textbook ‘Culture Wars’

More than a few people have wondered who really authored the inflammatory anti-Muslim resolution the Texas State Board of Education passed in September. Randy Rives, a failed state board candidate from Odessa, asked the board in July to pass the resolution. Rives has told reporters that he and his wife wrote the resolution and combed […]

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Strong Support for Church-State Separation

A national survey from the Public Religion Research Institute has encouraging news for supporters of religious liberty. According to the survey, a large majority of registered voters either “completely agree” (36 percent) or “mostly agree” (31 percent) that “we must maintain a strict separation of church and state” in America. Those results, from a national […]

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Check Our 2010 Voter Guide

The Texas Freedom Network Education Fund has assembled a nonpartisan voter guide to inform citizens about the positions of candidates on critical issues involving the State Board of Education. All information reported in the guide was provided directly by each candidate or campaign in response to a questionnaire. Read the voter guide here. […]

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Ignorance-Only Sex ‘Education’

We reported some good news last week about sex education in Texas: various evidence-based, sex education programs in Texas are getting a total of more than $7.4 million in new federal grants. But there was bad news as well: Texas also got $5.4 million for abstinence-only programs that refuse to teach medically accurate information about […]

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Ignorance and Religious Bigotry

The University of Houston student newspaper reported last week that a customer confronted a husband and wife who wanted to dine at a Houston restaurant recently, calling them “terrorists” and demanding that management not serve them. The couple had committed no crime. They were simply Arab-Americans. Sadly, the newspaper reports, neither customers nor management came […]

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