Dodging a Bullet?

Last month’s announcement by a prominent creationist group that it had decided not to seek state approval to sell instructional materials to Texas public schools was good news for supporters of sound science education. Now e-mails obtained by the Texas Freedom Network through a Texas Public Information Act request reveal just how bad the materials […]

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Creationists Target Texas Science Classes

Politics and personal agendas dominated the Texas State Board of Education’s process for adopting new science curriculum standards for public schools two years ago. Now our first look at the developing process for approving science instructional materials based on those standards has increased our concerns that politics will continue to trump education. The State Board […]

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Defend Stem Cell Research in Texas

The religious right’s war on science and responsible medical research in Texas is sure to heat up during the current legislative session in Austin. So the Texas Freedom Network is once again working with coalition partners to defend one of the far right’s major targets: embryonic stem cell research. You can help by joining TFN […]

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No Muslim Schools Allowed?

It turns out that a prominent association of private secular and religious schools in Texas welcomes many religious institutions as members — but not, apparently, Islamic private schools. A story in the San Antonio Express-News over the weekend reports that the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) denied membership to one Islamic school […]

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Fanning the Flames of Bigotry in Texas

The Texas Eagle Forum’s verbal attacks on American Muslims are growing ever more paranoid and shrill. A new e-mail from the group’s president, Pat Carlson, brings another example. Wednesday’s e-mail featured an article from The Torch, the group’s online newsletter, in which Carlson promotes absurd fears that Muslims are working to take over the United […]

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