The First Amendment: For Christians Only?

Bryan Fischer, radio talk show host for the especially odious far-right group American Family Association, has written a new opinion piece that starts with this: “The First Amendment was written by the Founders to protect the free exercise of Christianity.” It all goes laughably downhill from there. But what about people of other faiths? Maybe […]

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But Not in My Backyard

A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll gives us a dose hope and helping of pessimism about the prospect that anytime soon we’ll move past the anti-Muslim hysteria and into an era of respect and acceptance of people of all faiths. The poll conducted earlier this month finds that most Americans (69 percent) are “OK” with […]

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Lying to Pastors

Is it too much to ask that far-right ideologues at least not lie in their efforts to politicize clergy and their houses of worship? Next month pastors attending a so-called “Government Transformation Summit for Visionary Leaders” in San Antonio will have the pleasure of being treated to another disingenuous and absurdly distorted lecture on civil […]

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In Case You Were Wondering

We told you last week about pastor Terry Jones’ attempt at a return to the spotlight by putting the Quran on trial for what he dubbed International Judge the Quran Day. We know you’re dying to find out what happened so we’ll cut to the chase. […]

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Bill Zedler: Defending Academic Fraud

Mother Jones magazine has published excerpts of a conversation with state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, regarding the lawmaker’s House Bill 2454 — what should be called the Academic Fraud Protection Act. HB 2454 would force Texas institutions of higher education to look the other way when creationists fraudulently promote “intelligent design” as legitimate science in […]

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