Is the hateful rhetoric surrounding the anti-Sharia hysteria we’ve been reporting about filtering down into our public schools? A Houston television station reports that a local high school teacher has been put on administrative leave after he allegedly told a Muslim student “I bet you’re grieving” because of the death of Osama bin Laden. The […]
Recent Blogs
Interesting Timing, Chuck
We hope we don’t get beat down for daring to mess with Chuck Norris, but here goes. For a while now, the movie and TV star — and now far-right icon — has been penning opinion pieces for the far-right propagandist website WorldNetDaily. In part three of what he calls the “Top 10 U.S. infiltrations […]
Sharia Hysteria: Dancing with Bigots
As we have reported, an Arizona attorney and white supremacist who traffics in anti-Muslim and anti-black bigotry created the model legislation for House Bill 911, an anti-Sharia bill that passed the Texas House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee last week. And who is supporting HB 911? One supporter testifying in favor of state Rep. Leo […]
Berman’s Portable Goal Posts
Say what you will about Texas state Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, you have to give the man credit for becoming a master at moving the goal posts. Unless you were nowhere near a TV or computer on Wednesday, you missed the big dose of widely verified reality the White House dropped on the world when […]
Talking Points
From today’s TFN News Clips: “Are you kidding me, Earth Day in the schools? We’ve got to save the Earth? I mean, that’s like a tick . . . trying to save a whole heard of cattle. I mean, ticks go along for the ride, they don’t manage the cattle, they don’t tell them where […]