Cynthia Dunbar’s Reading List

Our friend Sarah Posner of Religion Dispatches points us to some juicy information we overlooked when writing our recent post on former Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar: the required reading list for the law professor’s “Foundations of Law” course at Liberty Law School. Through the magic of the Internet “Way Back Machine,” […]

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Technical Issues

UPDATE: We hope we have these technical issues resolved. Fingers crossed. TFN Insider has been experiencing some strange technical issues the last two days. We apologize if you’ve had problems accessing the blog. We’re working on it and hope to have everything smoothed out soon. […]

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Real Respect for Religious Freedom

Too often we see public officials in Texas use faith as a political weapon against their opponents. Just as appalling is that so many of those officials seemingly dismiss the reality that their diverse constituencies include people from many different faith traditions. But some officials do show real respect for faith and the religious freedom […]

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TX Special Session: Public Education at Risk

*UPDATE: Moments after TFN posted this entry on Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Sid Miller, R-Stephenville, filed a massive private school voucher proposal, which goes by the Orwellian title of “taxpayer savings grants.” The bill number is HB 33 in the newly reordered nomenclature of the special legislative session, but it is not a new idea. It […]

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Fool Me Once, Fool Me Twice

We all had a good chuckle earlier this month with the doomsday that wasn’t, predicted for a third time in his career by radio evangelist Harold Camping. Last Monday night, in his first public comments since his prediction didn’t come true, Camping doubled-down and now says he’s still correct about his prediction, except he was […]

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