Many of the hateful, sometimes highly political comments some of the people connected to The Response — the Gov. Rick Perry-hosted and supposedly nonpolitical prayer rally in Houston later this summer — are anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Home Depot, anti-Barney the Dinosaur, anti-you name it. And also pro-violence? The event’s info packet lists Pastor Stephen Broden […]
Recent Blogs
The Week in Quotes (June 19 – 25)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
An Anti-Immigrant Group’s ‘Biblical Mandates’
The Texas Freedom Network does not work on immigration issues. But we do monitor the deepening extremism — both in rhetoric and action — on the far right in Texas. So let’s take a closer look at an anti-immigrant group behind a Texas Capitol rally during which a speaker expressed her frustration over the fact […]
Talking Points
From today’s TFN News Clips: “If you want to know why we can’t pass legislation in Texas, it’s because we have 37, no 36, Hispanics in the Legislature. All of the states that have passed legislation have a handful and I mean literally, some of them have NO Hispanic legislators, well, maybe 3 or 5 […]
Leo Berman to the ‘Rescue’
Well, I feel safer. Do you feel safer? We should all feel safer given the latest valiant effort by state Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, to keep us all safe from the phantom menace of Sharia law and its impending attack on the Texas court system. Rep. Berman took to the Texas House floor Wednesday afternoon […]