Congrats, Rep. Christian!

We were perusing through the far-right Texas Eagle Forum’s website the other day and found this: The Eagle Forum’s legislative scorecard for the 82nd Legislature that concluded mid-summer. Ranking as the most conservative on the Eagle Forum’s list, and the only legislator — in the House or Senate — to receive a 100 percent rating […]

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In One Month…

Where will you be in one month? We hope you’ll be with us at TFN’s Epic Evening: Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011 7 – 10 p.m. Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum 1800 N. Congress Ave. Austin, Texas Purchase your sponsorships or individual tickets today! At this year’s event we will be honoring three very special […]

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Barton Tries to Suppress Free Speech

The Texas Freedom Network today released the following statement in regards to a lawsuit filed by David Barton against two former Texas State Board of Education candidates and an Internet writer. Prominent Texas Republican Targets Critics with Lawsuit FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sept. 20, 2011 A libel and defamation lawsuit filed against two former Texas State […]

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Circling the Wagons for Perry

It’s become a staple of modern presidential elections — at the first hint of criticism from the right flank, a Republican puts out a call to religious-right kingmakers to testify to his or her religious bona fides.  So when Texas Gov. Rick Perry found his conservative credentials in question (over the HPV vaccine mandate and […]

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