With the Texas State Board of Education set to adopt science textbooks for public schools in 2013, this year’s state board elections are especially important. On Tuesday one state board candidate, Republican Marty Rowley of Amarillo, made it pretty clear that he would be part of the board’s anti-science faction if elected. Check out the […]
Recent Blogs
Texas RR Groups Push War on Contraception
UPDATE: A CBS News/New York Times poll released yesterday shows that a large majority of Americans — including 61 percent of Catholics — appear to support the new rule requiring insurance plans to cover contraception even for women working at religiously affiliated institutions. *** Some religious-right groups in Texas are eagerly entering the war on […]
The Week in Quotes (Feb. 5 – 11)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
Rick Santorum’s War on Contraception
It’s no surprise that Rick Santorum, who returned to Texas this week to campaign with pastors at a McKinney church near Dallas, is opposed to a federal requirement that employer health insurance plans cover contraception. But the Republican presidential candidate went even further on Friday: “This has nothing to do with access. This is having […]
Happy Birthday, Charles!
By Garrett Mize TFN Youth Advocacy Coordinator Students are standing up for science across the state this month as our Texas Freedom Network Student Chapters celebrate Charles Darwin’s birthday at university campuses from Brownsville and El Paso to Houston. Darwin Day is Sunday, February 12, and students are using the day as an occasion to […]