It’s bad enough that David Barton has promoted mythical quotations of the nation’s Founders and other famous Americans that continue to be recycled by far-right politicians and activists. Now we see that Barton, head of Texas-based WallBuilders and pal of folks like Glenn Beck and Newt Gingrich, is recycling right-wing myths that President Obama favors […]
Recent Blogs
Clayton Seeks SBOE Re-election After All
Texas State Board of Education incumbent George Clayton, R-Richardson, has decided to seek re-election to his seat after all. Clayton had announced on Monday that he would seek election to the District 112 seat in the Texas House of Representatives. In an email to a Dallas Morning News reporter today, however, Clayton says that the […]
Culture War Casualty: Women’s Health Care
The religious right’s crusade to restrict women’s access to birth control and reproductive health care services is increasingly fueled by falsehoods and distortions. A press release yesterday from The Heidi Group, a Round Rock-based anti-abortion organization, is a classic demonstration of the problem. The press release actually praises a measure passed by the Texas Legislature […]
Bipartisan Rejection of Eagle Forum Hysteria
The Texas Eagle Forum strolled into the wrong committee hearing last month (video below). It was on Feb. 17 when the Texas House Committee on Public Education met in Austin to take up interim charges at a hearing on charter schools. Speaking at the hearing, TEF Vice President MerryLynn Gerstenschlager asked lawmakers to pass legislation […]
Rush Limbaugh: She’s a Birth Control Slut!
You just knew that right-wingers have been wanting to say something like this since the controversy over birth control erupted a few weeks ago. Last week Georgetown University law school student Sandra Fluke told a congressional panel why she believes health insurance plans should cover birth control, even for women working at religiously affiliated institutions. […]