3 Big Threats to Equality: A #txlege Political Update

Rally time! @HRCATX @EqualityTexas @TFN @ACLUTx @TransTexas #YallMeansAll pic.twitter.com/lyeDZPYBmR — Richard Hoang (@Rich_Hoang) March 18, 2019 The 86th Session of the Texas Legislature is half done, but its work is anything but — the big lifts and the big fights are all ahead in the next couple of months. For us, one of those battlegrounds […]

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Time for Legislature to Stand for Equality for All Texans

  Today we were proud to stand at the state Capitol with our partners and LGBT advocates from across Texas to call on lawmakers to support equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Check out the press release we just sent out: […]

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Austin Professor: Time for Lawmakers to Abolish Confederate Heroes Day

Last year the Texas Freedom Network joined scholars in calling on the State Board of Education to stop glorifying the Confederacy and Confederate heroes in public school history classrooms. We also advocated removing from the Texas Capitol a plaque that promoted the lie that the Confederacy didn’t fight to preserve the evil institution of slavery. In the following guest blog post, Bryan Register […]

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Stand Up for Sex Education and LGBTQ Equality in Austin

On Monday (February 25) the Austin ISD Board of Trustees will vote on an updated sex education curriculum that is inclusive of the needs of LGBTQ students. The adoption of this curriculum would be a big step forward for equality and the health of all students in Austin schools. […]

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