Is Anyone Surprised That He Also Rejects Evolution as Based on Science?

U.S. Rep. Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin, the Republican nominee challenging Democratic U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill in Missouri, told Tea Partiers on Thursday that there’s no science behind evolution. Think Progress has Akin’s quote here: “I don’t see it as even a matter of science because I don’t know that you can prove one or the […]

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SBOE Campaign Finance Filings: Little Money, Probably Even Less Attention

Campaign finance reports due 30 days before the November 6 election make it clear that, once again, Texas State Board of Education elections are attracting little money. The 15-member board adopts curriculum standards and textbooks for Texas public schools, but it gets precious little attention during election seasons. We have listed (below) campaign finance information […]

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Remembering a Friend

Joe Brown and his wife Nina accept TFN’s 2007 Samantha Smoot Activist Award from TFN President Kathy Miller. The TFN family lost a dear friend yesterday with the passing of Joe Brown of Houston. Joe was one of the founders of Texans for Advancement of Medical Research (TAMR), which, under Joe’s leadership, grew to become […]

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‘The Revisionaries’ Is Headed to Austin!

“The Revisionaries,” the award-winning documentary about the Texas textbook wars, is headed to a theater in Austin later this month! We’re working out final details for special TFN screenings of the film the night of the premiere and hope to announce the date on Monday. Stay tuned!   […]

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