Texas Attorney General, Baylor President Help Group That Says Obama 'Anti-Christian', Compares Democratic Leaders to Nazis, Calls Houston Mayor a 'Sodomite'

No one could doubt that Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and Baylor University President Ken Starr are social conservatives. But do those two honestly think it’s a good thing to associate themselves with — and even aid — people who call the president of the United States “anti-Christian” and compare him and Democratic leaders to […]

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Texas Senate Confirms Barbara Cargill as SBOE Chair

Today the Texas Senate unanimously confirmed Gov. Rick Perry’s appointment of Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands, to a second term as chair of the State Board of Education (SBOE). This is the first time since 2005 that the Senate has confirmed a Perry-appointed SBOE chair. The governor’s previous two appointees, creationists Don McLeroy and Gail Lowe, […]

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New TFN Ed Fund Poll: Broad Support in Texas for State-Funded Family Planning Services, Including Birth Control

Two years ago, Texas lawmakers openly declared “war on birth control” (those were their own words), slashing funding and putting in place additional obstacles for family planning services for low-income women. This year politicians at the state and national level want to let bosses deny, because of their own religious or moral objections, coverage for […]

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