Not with a Bang, But with a Whimper

The wait is finally over. After months of promises and grandstanding, Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, with only hours remaining before the bill-filing deadline, finally fulfilled his pledge to file a school voucher bill. If you’ve been listening to Sen. Patrick since last August, you would think that this moment would be met with fanfare and […]

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Sen. Patrick Gives Texans an Odd Lesson on Civil Rights

Did you know that students attending private schools in Texas today face discrimination like African-American students did during the era of racial segregation? Sen. Dan Patrick, the Republican chairman of the Texas Senate Education Committee, seems to think so. Sen. Patrick was speaking at Tuesday’s Education Committee hearing on Senate Bill 573, a measure that […]

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God, Guns and Greg Abbott

The image below comes from the political campaign of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. Where to begin? Perhaps with the fact that the Bible is, in fact, taught in public schools. Sometimes unconstitutionally, but it is. Here’s TFN’s report on such classes. Or maybe we should start by noting Tuesday’s Texas Senate Education Committee hearing, […]

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A Minister Gets Sermon on Morality from Legislative Staffers

TFN Insider is pleased to present this guest post from Rev. Beth Ellen Cooper of Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church. Rev. Cooper participated in TFN’s clergy gathering earlier this week in support of access to birth control and state funding for family planning. She blogs regularly for the Houston Chronicle at Keep the Faith.  Process Matters […]

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