Emails from the Right

One of the things we do at the Texas Freedom Network is monitor what far-right groups are telling the activists on their email lists. We wanted to share a sampling of some of the subject lines we’ve seen on recent emails:

‘Marriage Equality’ Spells ‘Marriage Extinction’ (Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel Action)

Anti-Jesus Lawyer: Punish Chaplains for Praying. Take Action (Conservative Action Alerts)

Is America Becoming a Police State? (Conservative Daily)

Nationwide Coalition Forming to Support Boy Scouts (CitizenLink from Focus on the Family)

“The Urgency for School Choice” (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

Are Voters Getting Cold Feet on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’? (Family Research Council)

University backs professor for telling students to “stomp on Jesus” (OneNewsNow from the American Family Association)

What two companies are promoting homosexual marriage with TV ads? (American Family Association)

Boehner “trusts” Obama. We don’t – do you? (Conservatives United)

Marxism and Fascism Being Implemented In Your Neighborhood (Conservative Daily)

‘Pro-Choice’ Slave Masters Losing War (Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel Action)

Stand With Cruz: Kill Obamacare In The Senate (Conservative Daily)

“IMPEACH Obama” – Ted Nugent (Conservative Action Alerts)

3 thoughts on “Emails from the Right

  1. These are all interesting, some are laughable, some are worrisome, most are predictable, but that one about the “police state,” is curious. If so the organized religious right will be joint owner of any such state.

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