Is the Right's CSCOPE Witch Hunt Now Spiraling Way Out of Control?

The right-wing assault on CSCOPE in Texas has intensified with Senate Education Committee Chairman Dan Patrick, R-Houston, posting on his Facebook page a statement from state Attorney General Greg Abbott. Abbott’s statement echoes critics of the curriculum system, which is used in hundreds of Texas public and private schools: “The Attorney General’s Office has been […]

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Tears at the Capitol: Standing Up for Equality for LGBT Texans

TFN Insider is pleased to present this guest post from James Lee, president of the TFN Student Chapter at the University of Houston and a member of our Student Leadership Council. This is cross-posted from the blog at Amplify, a project of Advocates for Youth. Advocates for Youth’s Cultural Advocacy and Mobilization Initiative supports our […]

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Texas Religious-Right Group Hypes Manufactured Outrage (OUTRAGE!) over Jesus-Stomping 'Controversy'

Liberty Institute/Texas Values, the religious-right litigation group based in Plano, is addicted to outrage (OUTRAGE!). The group seems to thrive on manufacturing and feeding it with strained distortions, whether the issue is gay adoption (vanishing moms and dads!), sex education (anal sex!), anti-bullying bills (special rights for homosexuals!) or the mythical “war on Christmas.” Now […]

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