Another Strange Twist for Anti-Sex Ed Legislation

On Thursday, the House Public Education Committee voted 7-3 to approve HB 1057 by Rep. Jeff Leach, R-Plano, making it eligible soon for consideration by the full House. But the version of the bill the committee passed bears almost no resemblance to the bill as originally filed, or its Senate companion (SB 521) that passed out of the Senate Education committee […]

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TFN's New Resource on Far-Right Groups in Texas

The Great Recession of 2007-09 affected fundraising for far-right groups in in Texas in different ways, an analysis of tax records shows. Like most nonprofits across the country, nearly all of the far-right groups the Texas Freedom Network monitors in this state saw declines in fundraising that ranged from temporary blips to severe shortfalls between […]

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Another Science FAIL at American Family Association

Bryan Fischer, the minister of propaganda for the hate group American Family Association, is one of the far right’s most prominent climate-change deniers. He sarcastically tweets today: Catastrophic global warming alert: Colorado gets five inches of snow. IN APRIL.… — Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) April 23, 2013 Fischer thinks an April snowfall in Colorado is […]

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