CSCOPE Issue Takes Hypocrisy-Fueled Leap Back into the Spotlight

The absurd, manufactured controversy over CSCOPE in Texas is leaping back into the spotlight. And that spotlight is illuminating just how hypocritical some of the curriculum tool’s political critics really are. On Friday State Board of Education Vice Chair Thomas Ratliff, R-Mount Pleasant, and state Senate Education Committee Chair Dan Patrick, R-Houston, announced that they have agreed […]

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'What else does the Bible say about dinosaurs?'

The audio above is almost as amusing as the clip from “The Revisionaries” in which former Texas State Board of Education Chair Don McLeroy uses a cardboard model to describe how all the animals were able to fit on Noah’s Ark. You know, this one, where at the end all the children pretty much say […]

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Religious-Right Groups Want to Gut Protections, Support Discrimination in San Antonio

Religious-right groups are demanding that San Antonio’s nondiscrimination policies include a religious exemption for individuals — an exemption that would effectively gut not just proposed protections for LGBT people (protections those anti-gay groups oppose), but also existing protections against discrimination based on gender, race, age, disability and even religion. The offices of San Antonio City […]

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