Despite complaints from anti-evolution activists, state-appointed citizen reviewers are now giving a top rating to most of the high school biology textbooks proposed for adoption in Texas this year — but the adoption of those textbooks still faces a big political obstacle at the State Board of Education. State reviewers in August gave a top […]
Recent Blogs
The Week in Quotes (Oct. 20 – 26)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
Help Us Spread the Message: Stand Up for Science in Texas
Last week we brought you the good news that publishers are, thus far, refusing to cave to demands by anti-evolution activists and climate change deniers to water down the science in proposed textbooks for Texas public schools. Now that we have convinced publishers not to mess with science, we have to convince the State Board […]
Will Young Evangelicals End the Religious Right's Obsession with the Culture Wars and Partisan Politics?
The Wall Street Journal this week published a fascinating piece about how conservative evangelical Christianity is changing in America today, particularly in its approach to politics and the decades-long “culture wars” over issues like abortion and gay rights. The article focuses on Russell Moore, who has replaced Richard Land as the leading spokesman for the […]
Another Example of How the Religious Right and Tea Party Are Melding into One Political Movement
Tea party activists like to argue that they simply want a small government that doesn’t intrude on the freedoms of Americans. But that’s hard to do believe when you see tea party and religious-right activists marching together with locked arms. Consider, for example, Rick Scarborough, head of the religious-right group Vision America, which is based […]