Why Has the National Abortion Rate Declined?

A new study from the Guttmacher Institute shows that the nation’s abortion rate in 2008-11 fell to its lowest level since the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing the procedure across the country. What’s behind the decline? From Guttmacher’s press release: “With abortion rates falling in almost all states, our study did not […]

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Some Good News: Texas Ed Board Revises Textbook Adoption Rules

This week we got a hopeful sign — at least a little one — that politics might not entirely govern the State Board of Education’s upcoming adoption of new social studies textbooks. Partly in reaction to how anti-evolution activists nearly hijacked the adoption of science textbooks last year, state board members adopted new rules that […]

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Because It Was None of Your Damn Business, Rep. Zedler

Self-described “conservatives” like Texas state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, constantly insist that they hate when “big government” intrudes into the personal lives of individuals. But their own words and actions often reveal the hypocrisy behind such claims. The truth is that they support intrusive government when they can use it to impose their own beliefs […]

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