Texas Pastor: 'Dirty Faggots' Want to Rape Your Kids

Remember our post about the hateful Arizona preacher who insists that the cure for AIDS is to execute gay people? It turns out that he has “ordained” Donnie Romero, a preacher at Stedfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth. The two are like peas in a pod, apparently. Our friends at Right Wing Watch have a clip […]

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Texas Lawmaker: Discrimination Is Over, End Protections for Women and Minorities

The religious right rallied anti-equality activists to a Plano City Council hearing on Monday, in what was ultimately an unsuccessful attempt to persuade city leaders to table a proposal to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the city’s existing non-discrimination ordinance. The proposal passed by a 5-3 vote. But before the vote, Collin County […]

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Religious-Righters Threaten to Sue Plano for Right to Discriminate

Plano on Monday joined the growing list of cities across Texas with ordinances prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as well as other characteristics like sex, race, religion and military status. Predictably, religious-righters are angry that they might be stopped from firing, evicting or denying public services to people they don’t like — especially gay or […]

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Exporting Hate

The Houston Area Pastor Council/Texas Pastor Council isn’t satisfied with trying to repeal Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Now the extremists at HAPC are working to defeat similar anti-discrimination measures in other cities, like Fayetteville, Arkansas. The Houston City Council passed HERO last spring, barring discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, race, religion, military status and other […]

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