TFN Joins ‘Call to Action’ on Reproductive Health Care in Texas

Today the Texas Freedom Network joined with six coalition partners for a “Call to Action” on reproductive health care at the Texas Capitol. Here’s the joint press release we sent out: TEXANS DEMAND ACCESS TO REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE Attacks on Reproductive Health Care Must Be Stopped, Advocates, Faith Leaders, and Lawmakers Tell Crowd FOR IMMEDIATE […]

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Anti-Muslim Hysteria Returns to the Texas Capitol

Efforts to pass legislation addressing the mythical threat of Sharia, or Islamic law, in Texas are gearing up yet again in the current legislative session. Right-wing state lawmakers have been pushing for years to pass legislation banning Sharia in Texas. Many such bills around the country have been linked to a core group of anti-Muslim fanatics (see here […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “We declare this state to be the sovereign territory of Jesus Christ.” — A pastor speaking at Tuesday’s Texas Faith and Family Day at the Texas Capitol, a religious-right event attended by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and a number of other Republican lawmakers. Stay informed with TFN’s daily News Clips, a digest […]

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The Texas-based, religious-right group Liberty Institute has hit a repulsive new low: equating the firing of an anti-gay sports commentator/politician in the United States with the January massacre of 17 people by Islamic extremists in France. In a series of tweets this month, Liberty Institute has been claiming that sports commentator Craig James of Texas and two other people […]

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