The freedom to marry became the law of the land, even here in Texas, in June of 2015. But the fight for equality didn’t end there. Texas remains a state where LGBTQ individuals can be fired from their job, denied a place to live or refused service at a business simply because of who they […]
Recent Blogs
Join the #StandUp4Science Rapid Response Team
In 2016-17, the Texas State Board of Education is streamlining the state’s controversial science curriculum standards. And that means evolution is back in the crosshairs. TFN is working to ensure that the revised standards don’t promote junk science. You can help by joining the #StandUp4Science Rapid Response Team: First name Last name Email Zip code […]
David Barton’s New Edition of ‘The Jefferson Lies’
Pseudo-historian and political propagandist David Barton has announced a new edition of The Jefferson Lies, his troubled book about the nation’s third president. Oh boy. Evangelical publisher Thomas Nelson Publishing ceased publication of The Jefferson Lies in 2012 after scholars pointed to factual inaccuracies and distortions in the book. But Barton turned to WND Books — the […]
Jared Woodfill: An Extremist’s Extremist
Jared Woodfill has a plan to win the chairmanship of the Texas Republican Party this year: rally some of the most viciously anti-LGBT and anti-abortion extremists in support. Naturally, religious-righters are thrilled. Woodfill, a former Harris County GOP chair, helped craft and lead the reprehensible fear-mongering campaign that succeeded in repealing the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) last […]
Indictments of Anti-Abortion Activists Send Cynical Texas Politicians into a Facts-Free Frenzy
Texas state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, is foot-stomping mad that a Harris County grand jury has handed down indictments against two anti-abortion activists who helped make doctored videos attacking Planned Parenthood. The same grand jury essentially cleared Planned Parenthood of outrageous charges that the organization was illegally selling tissues from aborted fetuses. Rep. Zedlers used Twitter in […]