Parents, Clergy, Scientists Call for Sound Science Standards as Lawmakers Consider Major Reforms for Texas Ed Board

Parents, Clergy, Scientists Call for Sound Science Standards as Lawmakers Consider Major Reforms for Texas Ed Board ‘Culture War’ Battle over Evolution Just the Latest Example of Extremism on SBOE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 19, 2009 With the Texas State Board of Education embroiled in yet another “culture war” battle, thousands of parents, clergy and […]

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TFN President Condemns Shocking Book Endorsement by Texas SBOE Chairman

TFN President Condemns Shocking Book Endorsement by Texas SBOE Chairman New Book Attacks Evolution Supporters as ‘Atheists,’ ‘Monsters’ and ‘Morons’ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 18, 2009 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller is calling on the chairman of the Texas State Board of Education to withdraw his irresponsible endorsement of a new book that portrays […]

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What Does Don McLeroy Really Want to Teach?

Scientists are “atheists.” Parents who want to teach their children about evolution are “monsters.” Pastors who support sound science are “morons.” Is that the sort of message Chairman Don McLeroy and his cohorts on the State Board of Education have in mind for Texas science classrooms if they succeed in their campaign to shoehorn “weaknesses” of […]

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TFN President Calls on Lawmakers to Reject Proposed Anti-Science Legislation

TFN President Calls on Lawmakers to Reject Proposed Anti-Science Legislation HB 4224 Would Open Door to Teaching Pseudoscience in Public Schools FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 16, 2009 Texas lawmakers should reject proposed legislation that would open the door to teaching pseudoscience in public school science classrooms across the state, Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller […]

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Lawmaker Launches Assault on Science Ed

UPDATE: Don’t just stew in frustration. Do something about it. – As we have battled anti-evolution extremists on the Texas State Board of Education over the past year, we knew that a legislative assault on science was inevitable. On Friday, the last day for filing legislation at the Texas Capitol, a far-right lawmaker from East Texas […]

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