TFN Membership Week

Just a reminder that this is Membership Week at Texas Freedom Network. We hope you will take the opportunity to join TFN and support our work for religious freedom, civil liberties and quality public education. If you haven’t done so already, please consider joining TFN or renewing your membership today by clicking here. […]

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McLeroy Confirmation Alert

Texas Freedom Network has just sent out the following Action Alert: Time and again over the last three years, Chairman Don McLeroy and the far-right faction of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) have demonstrated their willingness to push an extremist agenda and sacrifice quality public education at the altar of partisan politics. Yet unbelievably, […]

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TFN President Strongly Condemns House Rejection of SBOE Sunset Bill Today

TFN President Strongly Condemns House Rejection of SBOE Sunset Bill Today Vote Put Party Loyalty above Interests of Texas Families and Schoolchildren FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2009 The president of the Texas Freedom Network is strongly condemning the failure of the Texas House today to hold the State Board of Education accountable for flaunting […]

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House Rejects SBOE Sunset Bill

Will Republican legislators ever find the courage to get off their knees when they get pressure from far-right groups? Not today, it seems. Just yesterday the Texas House approved on second reading House Bill 710, which would have made the Texas State Board of Education subject to periodic review by the Sunset Advisory Commission. That vote was 74-68. […]

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