Texans David Barton, Alex Jones Make SPLC’s Watch List of Leading Radical-Righters

Two Texans are on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s new watch list of 30 influential radical-right leaders and activists in America today: history revisionist and “Christian nation” advocate David Barton of WallBuilders and conspiracy theorist and Patriot movement screamer Alex Jones of Austin. Barton and Jones have truly infamous companions on the SPLC’s list, including: […]

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Former TX SBOE Chairman and Ed Commissioner: It’s Time to Put Kids Ahead of Ideology and the Culture Wars

Dr. Jack Christie, former chairman of the Texas State Board of Education, and Jim Nelson, former Texas education commissioner, have authored an op-ed column calling on voters to put kids ahead of ideology in the May 29 primary elections: Contests for the presidential and U.S. Senate nominations are at the top of primary ballots, but […]

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Religious-Right Groups Identify Slate of Texas SBOE Candidates

A voter guide put together by three Texas groups and the American Family Association appears to identify the religious right’s slate of candidates in the May 29 Republican primaries for the Texas State Board of Education: Veronica Anzaldua, Corpus Christi, District 2 Ken Mercer, San Antonio, District 5 (incumbent) David Bradley, Beaumont, District 7 (incumbent) […]

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Vote for a State Board of Education That Puts Kids Ahead of Politics

Today is the last day for early voting for Tuesday’s primary elections — contests that will help shape the face of public education in Texas for a generation. Because of redistricting, all 15 seats on the State Board of Education (SBOE) are up for election this year. For the first time, all of the state […]

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