Romney Pushes Private School Voucher Scheme

Texas legislators in 2007 and 2009 delivered huge defeats to backers of voucher schemes that would drain hundreds of millions of dollars from neighborhood public schools to subsidize tuition at private and religious schools. Those defeats came after the state’s voters punished pro-voucher legislators at the polls in 2006. Now Mitt Romney, the likely Republican […]

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Caving to the Demands of Religious Extremists

Their failure to dictate which candidate will be the Republican Party’s presidential nominee this year doesn’t mean that religious-right leaders and activists aren’t shaping this year’s campaign. Just this week, for example, intense pressure from religious-right groups essentially forced openly gay political strategist Richard Grenell to resign from Mitt Romney’s campaign staff. A Republican adviser […]

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Robert Jeffress Flip-Flops on Romney

It becomes difficult to believe you’re not using faith for political purposes when, like First Baptist Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress did, first you say this: “I have conservative friends who are saying, well, he believes in Jesus, we believe in Jesus, let’s just hold hands and sing kumbaya. It doesn’t work that way. If a […]

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