Texas Senate’s Preliminary Approval of Special Session Bills Makes Texas Appear Cruel to Its Most Vulnerable Residents

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 25, 2017 With its preliminary approval on second reading of a “bathroom bill” this evening, the Texas Senate over the past two days has rushed through approval of bills discriminating against transgender people and making access to abortion care even harder for Texans. Once the bills pass the Senate on third […]

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The Texas Hate Group Behind Dan Patrick’s ‘Bathroom Bill’ Keeps Up Its Attacks on LGBT People

Gov. Abbott and Lt. Gov. Patrick fellow lawmakers continue to claim that the Texas “bathroom bill” isn’t about attacking and discriminating against transgender people. But the hate group that has played a leading role in trying to pass this cruel, discriminatory bill has made the real agenda behind it very clear — attacking the very existence of […]

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Steve Hotze’s Conservative Republicans of Texas: A Cesspool of Extremism and Hate

How extreme are Steve Hotze and his Conservative Republicans of Texas hate group? Just take few minutes to scan through the group’s website. It’s a cesspool of extremism and open hate. As you read this summary of articles just from this week, remember that Hotze is one of the Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s key political allies. Then ask […]

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Texas Freedom Network Statement on Gov. Abbott Signing Discriminatory Adoption/Foster Care Bill

Today Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a deeply divisive and discriminatory bill allowing the use of religion to discriminate against LGBT Texans and others in adoption and foster care services. We just sent out the following statement. […]

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