Anti-Bullying Bill: On to the Governor

We are happy to report that the Texas House tonight gave final passage to House Bill 1942, which requires public school districts to adopt policies to protect students from bullying. Religious-right groups had opposed the bill’s passage. Here are some highlights from HB 1942:

  • The bill defines bullying in Chaper 37 (Discipline) of the Texas Education Code,
  • It updates the definition of bullying to include that through electronic means (cyberbullying),
  • It provides for the transfer of the student who engages in bullying. Currently, only the target of bullying may be transferred.
  • It allows staff development to include training on preventing, identifying, responding to, and reporting incidents of bullying.
  • It mandates that each board of trustees of each school district adopt a policy, including any necessary procedures, to address the prevention, investigation and reporting of incidents of bullying.

The bill now goes to Gov. Rick Perry for his signature.

One thought on “Anti-Bullying Bill: On to the Governor

  1. The religious right opposed anti-bullying legislation. No surprise there. Bullying is one of their most important tactics. It was when I was going to high school back in the early ’70’s. The “Fellowship of Christian Athletes” bullied people that didn’t join their group. Like me.

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