Already Looking to Dump Cathie Adams?

Are Texas Republicans already looking to dump Cathie Adams, the state party’s newly appointed chair? Gardner Selby of the Austin American-Statesman writes that Adams already has an opponent in next year’s June election for party chair: Tom Mechler of Amarillo. He reports that former Texas GOP chair George Strake is backing Mechler’s bid to replace Adams when the party meets at its June convention.

Selby notes that some Republicans are concerned that Adams is too “sharp-edged.” That’s putting it mildly. Adams can barely open her mouth without some extremist nonsense tumbling out of it. She has even compared President Obama to Adolf Hitler. Strake says he hopes Adams will decide not to seek a full term as chair in June:

“We can’t afford the luxury of a blood bath right now. We’ve got to regroup, reorganize and get on down the road. We’re in a battle for survival right now.”

The developing civil war between traditional conservatives and far-right extremists in the Texas GOP should be interesting to watch.

3 thoughts on “Already Looking to Dump Cathie Adams?

  1. “The developing civil war between traditional conservatives and far-right extremists in the Texas GOP should be interesting to watch” – TFN

    Hopefully, it will be a fight to the death…and both sides will win. 🙂

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