2015 Texas Lege: Contender for Most Ridiculous Bill of the Session

A Texas legislator who opposes same-sex marriage has a message for federal courts and gay people: “Screw you.”

The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is set to consider on Friday a case that could overturn the ban on same-sex marriage in Texas. But state Rep. Cecil Bell, R-Magnolia, wants Texas to ignore a ruling that the ban violates the U.S. Constitution. So he has filed House Bill 623, the so-called “Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act,” which would bar the use of any public funds to enforce a federal court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

It gets worse. The bill also would strip salary, pension and other employment benefits from any local or state official who respects a court decision by recognizing, granting or enforcing a marriage license for a same-sex couple. Moreover, it requires state courts to dismiss any legal action challenging the bill’s provisions and forces the plaintiff to pay all attorney and court costs. And for good measure, the bill declares that the state is not subject, because of the Eleventh Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to lawsuits over the provisions of the bill.

In other words: “We don’t care about no stinkin’ Constitution. We’ll treat people we don’t like any way we want to.”

7 thoughts on “2015 Texas Lege: Contender for Most Ridiculous Bill of the Session

  1. Yeesh, who is this moron Bell? He can’t really be this stupid, can he? When are the wing nuts going to learn that there is no secession allowed, and that the Constitution trumps their personal feelings?

  2. Probably fueled by some “closely held religious beliefs”. Asshole, intolerant, and clearly a bigot. However, that being said, this is Texas. Everything in Texas is bigger, including the morons.

  3. The depth and breadth of Bell’s homophobia is impressive. He seems to have left no stone unturned. And he seems to be quite comfortable casting those stones. He relies on the 2005 amendment to TX constitution that adheres to the traditional definition of marriage. Today, he touts that 2005 vote to mean Texans don’t want marriage equality. No, Cecil, the 2005 amendment reflected what the majority of VOTERS (not Texans — there is a difference, sadly between the voting population and the population of Texas)wanted ten years ago. Much has happened in the country relative to marriage equality since 2005 and let’s not forget Texas is one of the 50 states, Cecil. And, Cecil, don’t forget that there was a time when Texans “wanted” to outlaw interractial marriage, women’s suffrage, etc. etc. etc. but that mean ol’ federal gubmint stepped in made us do the right thing, even though many “Texans” thought it was wrong. Cecil, times change and people, i.e., TEXANS, change their stances on various issues. If the TX lege spends more than 5 mins. discussing Bell’s bill, then they should all be impeached for deriliction of duty.

  4. I know you’re not kidding, but isn’t there a better place for that idiot? Like maybe in a mental institution? I know that the legislators in Austin is close to a mental institution, but this just makes it much clearer that the guy needs counseling.

    The moron thinks that the 11th Amendment trumps the United States Constitution? He really does need help. If anyone refuses to do what a U.S. judge orders will be in deep doo-doo.

    I have studied the Constitution for over 40 years and there is nothing that permits a pipsqueak from Texas to override a Federal Judge.

  5. The ledge IS a mental institution!

    “I know you’re not kidding, but isn’t there a better place for that idiot? Like maybe in a mental institution? I know that the legislators in Austin is close to a mental institution, but this just makes it much clearer that the guy needs counseling.”

  6. Y’know, I had forgotten what the 11th was. I just checked it and for the LIFE of me I cannot figure out how he thinks that has anything to do with the price of rice in China. Wonder if anyone can unscrew his head and see if anything is in there.

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