You Give 'em an Inch …

… they’ll give you the axe. Or at least try to.

From the start, the CSCOPE hysterics have demanded accountability and transparency from whatever they think CSCOPE is. Well, they’re getting it (there was a public meeting today from which we’ll have a report soon). And they’ve gotten it (there was a public meeting last week to which no one bothered to show).

But Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, via Twitter, confirmed our suspicions that this has never been about accountability.

Yep, this is about destroying CSCOPE, not about improving a teaching tool approximately three-quarters of all 1,000+ Texas public school districts depend on.

The witch hunt continues.

3 thoughts on “You Give 'em an Inch …

  1. “…as we know it” actually contains quite a bit of (unintended?) humor, coming from a source who, at very least, represents folks that don’t seem to even know a thing about it. Other, of course, that it promotes socialism, communism, evolutionism, muslimism, and prolly gayism to our delicate youth.

  2. it’s probably part of the plan/plot to ensure that Pearson continues to make as much money off of TX as possible. – this way they can pay Pearson to develop a curriculum with all the money they will save by eliminating some of the high school EOC courses.

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