White House Sends Top Gun To Defend Faith-Based Initiative In Dallas

White House Sends Top Gun To Defend Faith-Based Initiative In Dallas

January 23, 2002

The White House is sending a top official to Dallas tomorrow to defend the Bush administration’s faith-based initiative, also known as “charitable choice.” The White House has been on the defensive since the release of damaging research documenting Texas’ five-year record with “charitable choice.”

Stanley Carlton-Thies, Associate Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, will present the administration’s legislative and regulatory plans to advance the faith-based initiative. The forum is sponsored by the Greater Dallas Community of Churches and will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, January 25, 2002 at First Presbyterian Church, 408 Park Avenue in Dallas, Texas.

Samantha Smoot, Executive Director of the Texas Freedom Network a watchdog group that monitors the Religious Right will present research on Texas’ track record with the faith-based initiatives that were set in motion by then-Governor George Bush.

Recent TFN research has revealed a range of problems with Texas’ “charitable choice” initiative including co-mingling of funds which lessens the constitutionally-mandated separation of church and state, discriminatory practices in awarding government funds, and endangering people in need by relaxing state licensing and treatment standards for faith-based social service providers.

For more information on the Bush administration’s faith-based initiative and the Texas “charitable choice” record, contact the Texas Freedom Network at 512-322-0545.

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