The Week in Quotes (Sept. 24 – 30)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes.

Jeff Mateer, President Donald Trump’s nominee for a federal judgeship in Texas and current first assistant attorney general of Texas, in a 2015 speech that argued sanctioning same-sex marriage would lead to polygamy and bestiality.

“I mean, it’s disgusting. I’ve learned words I didn’t know. I mean, other than…my assistants here, have you ever heard the word ‘throuple’? ‘Throuple’ so that’s three people coming together of different sexes, maybe mixed sexes. Them coming together. There are people who marry themselves. Somebody wanted to marry a tree. People marrying their pets. It’s just like — you know, you read the New Testament and you read about all the things and you think, ‘Oh, that’s not going on in our community.’ Oh yes it is. We’re back to that time where debauchery rules.”


Alberta Phillips in an opinion piece for the Austin-American Statesman.

“A lie that long has fueled Texas lore paints secession and the Civil War as something honorable. The truth — that Texas fought to maintain its enslavement of black people — doesn’t fit that bill. But a made-up story in which independent, boot-strapping Texans fought to preserve states’ rights against a meddling federal government — now that was noble. It was a lie that took root and spread. Today, it’s all around us on the hallowed grounds of the Texas Capitol, with a dozen or so statues glorifying the Confederacy and its ‘heroes.’ The lies are found on street names in Austin, such as Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis, and school buildings; in our children’s textbooks; and on our courthouses and state offices.”


Mark Cuban, Tech billionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner, believes Dallas’ biggest obstacle in the bid for Amazon’s second headquarters is Texas’ political reputation.

“Every city has got its own set of challenges. Our biggest challenge is going to be they’re concerned things like the bathroom bill are going to pop up again.”

Katie O’Connor, legal counsel for the Campaign for Accountability. The nonprofit has asked the Travis County district attorney’s office to investigate whether a Round Rock-based anti-abortion group, which was awarded $6.6 million in state contracts, misused taxpayer money.

“What we want to know is what you did with the money. It just seems like this is not an organization that was prepared to take on the money the state entrusted it with.”


Dallas Morning News columnist Jacquielynn Floyd, on a plaque at the Texas Capitol that says the Civil War “was not a rebellion, nor was its underlying cause to sustain slavery.”

“Time to get the wheels turning on permanently getting rid of this thing. In the meantime, perhaps they might cover it up with a board or a curtain or a nice painting of live oaks and bluebonnets. Because that plaque is a lie. It embarrasses all of us.”


Texas State Rep. Byron Cook, R-Corsicana

“So, will Amazon seriously consider any of the Texas cities competing for Amazon’s second headquarters? Probably not, unless Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick take the bathroom bill off the table for future legislative sessions. Even in a state as large as Texas, we can’t continue to hide this controversial elephant in the room.”

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