The Week in Quotes (May 29 – June 4)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

TFN communications director Dan Quinn, on a Texas lawsuit against the Obama administration’s guidance on how schools should treat transgender students.

This is another example of our state’s top elected officials playing politics with people’s lives.

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Ann Elder, the mother of a transgender boy named Benjamin, speaking to journalists outside the state capitol on Tuesday afternoon in response to the Lt. Governor’s multi-pronged bathroom campaign.

I’m here to tell Dan Patrick: You — specifically you — are endangering my child’s life. Because you have now told everyone in the state of Texas that it’s okay to harass my child, that it’s okay for the school district to stop supporting them.

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Back-to-back tweets from Travis County GOP chairman Robert Morrow, after new rules were adopted by the party to keep certain roles and responsibilities out of Morrow’s control.

I will retain the Bully Pulpit and there is real power in that. Travis County Republican party leadership will be very pro big [breasts].

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Highly-successful Christian rock musician Trey Pearson, in an open letter to fans announcing his coming out.

If this honesty with myself about who I am, and who I was made by God to be, doesn’t constitute as the peace that passes all understanding, then I don’t know what does. It is like this weight I have been carrying my whole life has been lifted from me, and I have never felt such freedom.

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