The Week in Quotes (May 21 – 27)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes.

TFN President Kathy Miller, on the Texas House vote to ban transgender-friendly bathroom and locker room policies in the state’s public schools.

“There is no moral middle ground on discrimination. Either you discriminate, or you don’t. This amendment, if it becomes law, would leave transgender students even more vulnerable to being stigmatized and bullied simply because they are different.”


Texas state Rep. Chris Turner, D-Grand Prairie, on bills passed by the Texas Legislature that include abortion restrictions, religious refusal bills and a version of the so-called “bathroom bill.”

“I would think it’s unprecedented that this many actions by the Legislature will be contested in court.”


A letter from nine Texas law professors to the Texas Legislature, on a bill that would allow state-funded adoption agencies to discriminate against prospective parents who are LGBT, single or not Christian.

“While the bill specifically does not permit agencies to discriminate on the bases of race, ethnicity, or national origin, no such exception is made for discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.”


Texas House Speaker Joe Straus, on Dan Patrick letting a school finance reform bill die because the House wouldn’t approve of a private school voucher scheme.

“Unfortunately, the Senate walked away and left the problems facing our schools to keep getting worse.”


A now-deleted tweet by the Northeast Tarrant Tea Party


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