The Week in Quotes (July 9 –15)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes.

Dan Quinn, TFN’s communications director, on the Texas Supreme Court’s decision to send a case over spousal benefits for some same-sex couples back to a lower court.

“Keeping this Texas case alive is mostly a cynical effort by these justices to pander to pressure groups that insist that state and local governments keep treating LGBT people like second-class citizens or worse.”


New Yorker staff writer Lawrence Wright.

“What happens in Texas doesn’t stay in Texas … Texas is a behemoth and it has an outsize influence on the direction of America and we have a responsibility, I think as Texans, to make sure that we take care of our state in a way that would enable us to be the proper custodians of the future of America.”


U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, while touring a coal plant in West Virginia.

“Here’s a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out there and the demand will follow.”


Delbert Hosemann, Mississippi Secretary of State, in response to Trump’s voting fraud commission’s unprecedented request for state election data.

“My reply would be: They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico.”


Rogelio Sáenz, dean of the College of Public Policy at the University of Texas at San Antonio, commenting on a letter signed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and his counterparts from nine other states, to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

“It is extremely disappointing to see Paxton at the forefront of a movement to dehumanize and take away the valuable privileges that have been extended to DACA recipients, rights that allow them to come out of the shadows. Paxton and his co-signers refer to DACA holders as “otherwise unlawfully present aliens,” words that are venomous daggers that puncture the humanity of these young people who, for the most part, have only known the United States as their home.”


Katharine Hayhoe is an atmospheric scientist and Christian working to bridge the gap between climate change and Christians.

“Being Christian isn’t a hindrance to acting on climate. On the contrary, if we believe we’re called ‘to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God,’ then caring about a changing climate, and those already suffering its impacts, is what we’ve been created to do. It’s who we are.”


Jim Darling, the mayor of McAllen, on how a refugee crisis morphed into a political war where the losers are local landowners and the local economies that rely on Mexican shoppers.

“Stephanopoulos called it a crisis on the border. But the crisis was in Central America, that’s why the families were leaving. Mexican migration was at net zero when the Central Americans started coming in 2014. And they were asking for asylum, so they weren’t technically illegal. But now middle America believed the border was in crisis, and being overrun by Mexicans, and we needed a border wall to stop them. And that’s how we got into this mess we’re in now. No one likes a wall down here. But building a wall was Trump’s defining moment during his campaign, so we figure he’s going to get it built no matter what.”


The San Antonio Express-News Editorial Board

“Education can be a great equalizer, but not when it is continuously shortchanged by the Legislature…Legislators need to focus on problems identified by the data [2017 Kids Count Data Book], not on bathroom bills or school vouchers. Texas children are in trouble and they need help.”

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