The Week in Quotes (July 17 – 23)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Tommy Valentine, a delegate from Virginia, on the lackluster list of speakers at this year’s Republican National Convention, which begins today in Cleveland.

In 2012, it was just speaker after speaker of the best and brightest stars in the Republican Party. This is not what I’d call A-list.

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Dr. José María Herrera, an assistant professor in education at the University of Texas at El Paso, on a proposed Mexican-American studies textbook that promotes offensive cultural stereotypes, distorts history and is plagued by factual errors.

This text has the look of a task given to an intern who has been told to cobble together what they can using the Internet. It is criminally shallow and, in some cases, factually ignorant.

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Dallas Morning News writer Mac McCann, on the controversial Mexican-American studies textbook that’s under consideration by the Texas SBOE.

Our state, our country has a rich history of diversity that deserves praise — but the proposed Mexican-American history book in Texas fails to even adequately recognize contributions from Mexican-Americans, let alone praise them. The new textbook have yet again thrown Texas’ poor state of education into the national spotlight, bringing embarrassment upon our students. No Texan should tolerate that.

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Sen. Ted Cruz, on his refusal to endorse Donald Trump.

I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and who attack my father. [The pledge] was not a blanket commitment that if you go and slander and attack Heidi that I’m gonna nonetheless come like a servile puppy dog and say, “Thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father.”

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren, admonishing Rep. Lamar Smith for the “outrageous abuse of Congressional subpoena power” used against the Massachusetts AG in the ongoing investigation of ExxonMobil’s knowledge of their climate change impact.

Let me offer a word of advice to Rep. Smith and his ExxonMobil buddies: You picked a fight with the wrong state and the wrong Attorney General.

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