The Week in Quotes (Aug. 12 – 18)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes.

James W. Loewen, in an interview about the new edition of his book, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong.

“Usually when I’m asked, ‘What’s the biggest lie?’ I put my hand out in front of me slanting upward and to the right. And what I mean by that is the overall theme of American history is we started out great and we’ve been getting better ever since kind of automatically. And the trouble with that is two things. First of all, it’s not always true. … And the second part is what it does to the high school student. It says you don’t need to protest; you don’t need to write your congressman; you don’t need to do any of the things that citizens do, because everything’s getting better all the time.”


Dr. David S. Glosser, the uncle of Stephen Miller, one of President Trump’s immigration hardliners, in a column pointing out his family’s immigrant history.

“Trump and my nephew both know their immigrant and refugee roots. Yet, they repeat the insults and false accusations of earlier generations against these refugees to make them seem less than human.”


Steve West, a Missouri Republican who promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on a radio show he hosts, defeated three other candidates Tuesday in the bid for a seat in the Missouri House of Representatives.

“Jewish people can be beautiful people, but there’s ideologies associated with that that I don’t agree with. . . . Jews today are a remnant of the tribe of Judah that rejected Christ.”


An email from the far-right San Antonio Family Association urging San Antonio City Council members not to appoint Dr. Junda Woo as the local health authority for the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District because she once worked for Planned Parenthood.

“The appointment of an ABORTIONIST, who has been employed by Planned Parenthood to the position of Local Health Authority sends a clear message that Mayor Ron Nirenberg and the City Council of San Antonio hold that abortion is an essential service. They must believe that qualifications for the job, include the ability to snuff out life at its earliest, skill in procuring baby body parts for sale, and perhaps even the ability to slit the vocal cords of an unborn child prior to the abortion should the child survive and be born alive . . .”


Carla Hill, an analyst with the Anti-Defamation League, on the “March Against Far-Left Violence” planned at the Texas Capitol. The event was sponsored by Republican state representative Dan Flynn.

“They’re right-wing extremists; they aren’t all white supremacists. But events like this attract white supremacists as well, because these ideologies line up.”

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