USNS César Chavez

Remember when phony historian and alleged social studies “expert” David Barton advised the Texas State Board of Education to strip out César Chavez from new social studies curriculum standards for public schools? Here’s what the head of the Texas-based group WallBuilders said in 2009:

“(Chavez’s) open affiliation with Saul Alinsky’s movements certainly makes dubious that he is a praiseworthy to be heralded to students as someone ‘who modeled active participation in the democratic process.’”

The U.S. Navy doesn’t appear to agree, this week naming one of its newest ships after the late labor and civil rights leader. Says U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus :

“César Chavez inspired young Americans to do what is right and what is necessary to protect our freedoms and our country. The César Chavez will sail hundreds of thousands of miles and will bring support and assistance to thousands upon thousands of people. His example will live on in this great ship.”

Schools, parks and other facilities across the country also carry Chavez’s name.

After an avalanche of public criticism, even the state board’s far-right members decided not to take Barton’s deliberately divisive, politically motivated advice and kept Chavez in the social studies standards.

3 thoughts on “USNS César Chavez

  1. I think it is kind of appropriate. The USS Cesar Chavez is a cargo-supply ship. Cesar’s people kept everyone in our country supplied with lettuce and fresh veggies. They could have just stayed in Mexico and let all of that rot in the fields. You’re not gonna tell me that some WASP pretty boy in Beverly Hills was going to step in to harvest the crops in their place. Please tell me you’re not that stupid?

  2. I wholeheartedly applaud the Navy for naming their new ship after Mr. Chavez. If it wasn’t for him, farm workers would still be treated worse than livestock. He brought a measure of dignity and respect for those whose sweat and pain put food on our tables.

    Mucho Gracias Sr. Chavez

  3. Cesar Chavez is one of my heroes, and in fact I met him in person several times.
    So I’m appalled, as I think he would be, that the government is naming a Navy ship for him. Chavez was a pacifist who spread the philosophy of nonviolence all over the world. All the gains that his UFW made for farmworkers were accomplished through nonviolent action.
    It’s a mockery of his legacy to put Cesar Chavez’s name on a warship.

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