TV Premiere of 'The Revisioniares' Tonight and Tuesday on PBS

Starting tonight, everyone gets a chance to watch the award-winning documentary “The Revisionaries,” a film by director Scott Thurman that tells the story of the religious right’s culture warriors at the Texas State Board of Education and the Texas Freedom Network’s efforts to stop their efforts to undermine instruction on evolution and politicize social studies classrooms. In fact, TFN President Kathy Miller and our work are featured prominently throughout the film.

You have two ways to watch “The Revisionaries.” The first opportunity comes your way when it premieres on PBS’ Independent Lens as a one-hour film. Most PBS stations will air the program tonight (Monday), but some have scheduled it for Tuesday. See below for air times in Texas cities. Many PBS stations will re-air the program again later this week. Check your local listings.

You can also watch the full director’s version — which is closer to 90 minutes — by contacting the Texas Freedom Network. TFN can help you put together a screening of the full film for a group or organization. If you would like to set up a screening of the director’s cut, click here to email TFN Outreach Director Val Benavidez.

Either way, we strongly encourage you to watch the film Michael Moore says every American should see.

Again, most PBS stations will air “The Revisionaries” tonight (Monday) at 9 p.m. (Central time). Below are air dates and times for some Texas cities. For air dates and times in other cities in Texas and across the country — and for re-airing dates — click here to check your local listings.

City Station Air Date/Time
Amarillo KACV Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.
Austin KLRU Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.
College Station KAMU Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.
Corpus Christi KEDT Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.
Dallas/Ft. Worth KERA Tuesday, Jan. 29 – 10 p.m.
El Paso KCOS Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.
Houston KUHT Tuesday, Jan. 29 – 10 p.m.
Killeen (including Waco area) KNCT Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.
Lubbock KTTZ Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.
Midland/Odessa KPBT Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.
Rio Grande Valley KMBH Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.
San Antonio KLRN Monday, Jan. 28 – 9 p.m.

Check out a short clip from the film:

3 thoughts on “TV Premiere of 'The Revisioniares' Tonight and Tuesday on PBS

  1. This was an eye opener for me, as I have been naive enough to think this false controversy was over… Living in the NW United States I already find educated adults understanding of basic science to be wanting. I can’t imagine what it would be like if all school districts had to adopt such tripe. Let’s do away with the germ theory all together next and blame sinning when illness strikes. One board member really jumped the tracks when she stated her opinion that the education of children is primarily a religious mandate vs the responsibility of the larger society. What? Thanks for look at a very different culture.

  2. Rocky. It is a whole subculture of people who give lip service to being Christians when their deepest beliefs and behaviors actually reveal them to really and truely be Old Testament Jews hopelessly lost in another time and place—with all of the simplicity and ignorance of that time and place. The pastor at my old Southern Baptist Church called them “so much in Heaven that they are no earthly good.”

    One thing I enjoyed about the film that I really never had a chance to do before was see and read Tom Ratliff’s body language. I am a master at few things, but reading body language is one of mine. After the reading I was able to do last night, any nutjob conservative that is entertaining the notion that he or she might be able to “turn” Tom Ratliff is in for an extremely rude awakening—an extremely rude awakening. As the saying goes about Frost Bottom, a deep and isolated mountain valley just over the ridge from where I live: “Them people over thar in Frost Bottom had just as soon shoot you as look at you.”

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