TV Premiere of 'The Revisionaries' on PBS Next Monday

Don McLeroy and Cynthia Dunbar are coming to your home.

Relax. We don’t mean literally. No, we mean they’ll be there along with TFN in “The Revisionaries.” The critically-acclaimed and award-winning documentary that premiered in theaters last year is making its TV premiere Jan. 28, one week from today. And you also have a chance to help screen the director’s cut of the movie if you organize a group or represent an organization (more on that in a bit).

First, the TV details. “The Revisionaries” will premiere on TV, edited down for length as a one-hour film on PBS’ Independent Lens next Monday. For most people in Texas, the film will air at 9 p.m., but to be on the safe side and to verify on which channel, you should click here to check your local listings.

But if you would rather watch the full version, the director’s cut seen in theaters, TFN can make that happen. Please contact TFN’s outreach director Val Benavidez ([email protected]) if you would like to set up a screening of the full film in front of a group or an organization.

This film tells the story of the religious right’s culture warriors at the Texas State Board of Education and TFN’s efforts to stop them. As Michael Moore said after he saw “The Revisionaries” at the Tribeca Film Festival, this is a documentary every American should see. Here, in this TFN exclusive clip, is a small example of why:

2 thoughts on “TV Premiere of 'The Revisionaries' on PBS Next Monday

  1. Okay it looks like here it’ll be on Wednesday, January 30th at 8 PM on GPB Knowledge, channel 246 on Comcast.

    I’m gonna git me a big bowl of popcorn and a big box of Kleenex and sit down and watch. The popcorn is for the munchies, the Kleenex to soak up the tears of laughter.

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