The Week in Quotes (Sept. 23 – 29)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Gov. Rick Perry to Evan Smith at the opening session of the Tribune Festival.

Let me go on the record as saying, I believe in Satan.

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David Barton, quoting Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention.

I tell you what, Richard gave a two word axiom that we ought to emblazon on everything we have: liberalism kills.

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David Barton, questioning President Obama’s faith.

And so we really have a biblically illiterate group of folks now who claim Christianity and that’s where I put the President; I don’t think the President has ever read the Bible from cover to cover.

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The New England Journal of Medicine, in a report on the impact of budget cuts to family planning services in Texas.

We are witnessing the dismantling of a safety net that took decades to build and could not easily be recreated even if funding were restored soon.

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Missouri GOP Senate nominee Todd Akin, analyzing his opponent’s debate performance.

She had a confidence and was much more ladylike (in 2006), but in the debate on Friday she came out swinging, and I think that’s because she feels threatened.

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One thought on “The Week in Quotes (Sept. 23 – 29)

  1. “I don’t think the President has ever read the Bible from cover to cover”

    And….? What percentage of Christians can honestly say that they have read all of Numbers? Or the bit about she-bears rending boys apart for teasing bald prophets?

    Barton may well have read the Constitution from “cover to cover,” but I fear that his reading comprehension was lacking a bit.

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