The Week in Quotes (Sept. 22 – 28)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Russia’s children’s ombudsman, Pavel Astakhov, who opposes teaching sex education in schools.

The best sex education that exists is Russian literature. In fact, literature in general. Everything is there, about love and about relationships between sexes. Schools should raise children chastely and with an understanding of family values.

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Justin Bahl, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston.

In the future humanity will face grand challenges — challenges that will be larger and more complex than any we have faced so far in our existence. It baffles me when community leaders such as former State Board of Education chairman Don McLeroy state their motivations to “strike a final blow to the teaching of evolution.” We must be concerned that those views are short-sighted. Those efforts are not in the best interests of today’s Americans nor those of the future.

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From a San Antonio Express-News editorial in which the newspaper decries the State Board of Education’s process for adopting textbooks for Texas public schools.

It’s amazing that efforts persist in Texas to dilute the theory of evolution. Not only are such specious arguments an affront to science and inquiry, but they also undermine our education system and carry the potential to turn our state into a laughingstock.

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Virginia Republican lieutenant governor candidate E.W. Jackson, one people who are not Christians.

Any time you say, ‘There is no other means of salvation but through Jesus Christ, and if you don’t know him and you don’t follow him and you don’t go through him, you are engaged in some sort of false religion,’ that’s controversial. But it’s the truth.

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State Sen. Leticia Van De Putte, D-San Antonio, on U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s marathon speech.

Wendy Davis filibustered for women’s health. Sen. Cruz filibustered against people having health care.

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which brings together hundreds of researchers from around the world, in its latest report.

It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.

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Joshua Rosenau, programs and policy director for the National Center for Science Education, on a federal lawsuit filed by an anti-evolution seeking to block Kansas from using new, multistate science standards in its public schools, arguing the guidelines promote atheism and violate students’ and parents’ religious freedom.

They’re trying to say anything that’s not promoting their religion is promoting some other religion.

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2 thoughts on “The Week in Quotes (Sept. 22 – 28)

  1. Dr Bahl, quoted above must be one of those “experts” Don McLeNuts talked so much about standing up to.
    It sounds like he is as mystified by Don McLeRoy as network TV, the news, the science community, the courts, and most of mainstream Christianity is.
    Delusional and proud of it Don.

  2. Josh Rosenau has stated one of the primary tenets of creationism in his comment above.
    This theory says
    “All creationists think everything is religion”.
    To date, the theory , which is testable, repeatable and disproveable consistently confirms the accuracy of its claim. Thanks Don et al for not breaking the chain. Appreciate it alot.

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