The Week in Quotes (Nov. 20 – 26)

Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry during the “Thanksgiving Family Forum” in Iowa.

In every person’s heart, in every person’s soul, there is a hole that can only be filled by the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Emma Sullivan, a Kansas high schooler, in a tweet that drew the ire of Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s staff and a demand for a written apology.

Just made mean comments at gov. brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot

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Jason Torpy, a West Point graduate, Iraq veteran and now head of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, saying he understands why the Pendleton Marines want to honor their fellow Marines, but that a cross on the base is not appropriate.

I hate to be a bad guy on this, but I should not have to be the one standing up. [Camp Pendleton] should have known better.

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Texas Freedom Network Education Fund (TFNEF) President Kathy Miller, on a new TFNEF study that shows a big increase over the past three years in the percentage of Texas school districts teaching about contraception along with abstinence in sex education classes.

We are encouraged that local policies are beginning to catch up with public opinion. But the Legislature and the State Board of Education should also help school districts provide more effective, evidence-based sex education programs.

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One thought on “The Week in Quotes (Nov. 20 – 26)

  1. Emma Sullivan is a true patriot for telling it like it is. The Principal of her school will be fired from his job before this is finished. A somewhat similar issue arose with a female student in my local school system a few years ago. The Principal overreacted, the story was picked up by various newspapers, the issue went viral on the Internet, and the black Principal lost her job. Getting rid of a black high school principal is about as hard a task as getting mimosa’s to vacate your front yard—yet it happened with amazing ease. I would not give you 2 cents for the job security of the Principal at Emma’s high school.

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